Giveaway by Simi

31 dec. 2011

Cred ca este cel mai chic giveaway de sfarsit de an!
Absolut toate premiile sunt pe gustul meu!
Paletele Sleek sunt de calitate superioara++, nebunia mea cu parfumurile este nemaivazuta, de f mult timp vreau sa incerc gelul de dus YR, iar rujul are o culoare foarte buna=P~
Iar blogul imi place f mult, desi de comentat nu prea am timp,mai nicaieri:|
I must win>:)
Click AICI!

Giveawy @ Jully's

Giveaway Thboxes!
Cei de la Thboxes au bijuterii super-frumoase, asa ca merita sa va inscrieti!

I want theeeeese!!!

28 dec. 2011

I found some gorgeous pictures with some amazing nails and nailpolish rings, I want them so baaaad! :(

These are my faves, but from my favorites my favorites are: the space nails and the Audrey Hepburn nails-->want! And those rings are so awesome, I HAVE to try to do them!

ALL the images are from this tumblr:
Also, the rings are from this site:

Xmas Tag

27 dec. 2011

1. What's your favorite holiday movie?
HOME ALONE 1-2, I'm watching it right now, I do this on every Chrstmas.This movie it's just purrrrfect!!
2. What's your favorite Christmas color?

RED! Red is my colour anyway, i'm in love with it, so yeah,definetly:)

3.  Do you like to stay in your PJ's or dress up for Christmas? 
PJ:D I love my PJs:D But I dress up when the whole family comes to our house:)

4. If you could only buy one person a present this year who would it be?
I would buy something that anyone from my family could use:)

5. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
Eve. I used to open'em in the morning, but now I don't have so many presents, so I just can't wait 12 more hours:))

6. Have you ever built a ginger bread house?
Never,ever. I don't think I ever will, but who knows? 

7. What do you like to do on Christmas break?
To lay on the floor or in the bed, watching Christmas movies.  I adoooore to do this.

 8. Any Christmas wishes?
My wishes: to be healthy ALL year, but not just me, my family too; I keep my other wishes to my birthday!

9. Favorite Christmas smell?
Oranges. They even taste better in wintertime. And cinnamon, I loove cinnamon.
Oh and marzipan. That's my true love :))

10. Favorite Christmas meal or treat?
 Well as I said, marzipan chocolate aaaaaaand stuffed cabbage, of course:D


New TV shows:D

21 dec. 2011

I've seen a lot of TV series lately; new ones, cause the regular ones are on usual..
I watched them mostly at night, cause that's when I have time:))
Sooooo here we are:

1.Once Upon a Time

This is my new favourite, it's very charming:)
The story is simple: what happened after they lived happily ever after?
Well, in this story Snow Whites' stepmother spells a curse on Snows' and Prince Charmings' wedding day: they will live in a different place forever. A different place which is much worse then the hell. 
Yeah, that place would be our XXI-st century:).
So there's this Fairy Tale storyline, in every episode, and we slowly find out what really happened in the past.
And of course, there's a second storyline, which presents a little town, Storybrooke, in which seems that time is not moving, clocks aren't working.
We also meet Emma, a single woman from Boston who has a visitor in the very first episode: her 10 year old son, who lives in Storybrooke, and who has a storybook, about what happened to Snow White&Co. and he thinks that story is true, and his birthmom, Emma is the one who can help to break the curse.
So, this would be the story, but just a lil' part of it, cause it's very complex, and great.
You'll find out that Cinderella and Snow White were best friends, or that Snow had a daughter.
It's a great story, it tells something I wanted to know for a long time: what happened after the marriage?:D
All in all, it's a nice story, can't wait to watch the new episodes!

2. American Horror Story
This is a story about a small family, which moves into a new house in LA. Peolpe say the house is haunted cause bad things happened there.
This TV show is very recent, just like the above, it only has 11 episodes so far, but  I liked it. It's also true that, if you don't like horror, you probably will hate it, cause it's really creepy:))
I can't tell much, cause it's really messy, you'll understand after you'll watch it.
Check it out!
-no picture though, cause I don't wanna see creepy things on my blog:)-

I guess, these were the most recent, I also saw some movies in the past few months, which were quite amazing!

You know what's also amazing?!
That I have 99 followers!!! Haha, never thought so many people would fly to my blog, WELCOME!

Random thoughts

17 dec. 2011

N-am mai scris de muuult mult timp aici, avand examene si alte treburi:)
But i'm here now!
S-au intamplat multe lately:D
Imi place sa citesc enorm postarile fetelor de pe bloguri, pacat ca de comentat nu prea am avut timp..
Am castigat la Iuliania un giveaway tare frumos, inca in noiembrie, dar premiul a ajuns abia ieri, drept cadou de Craciun:D. Bine ca am avut o perioada agitata la facultate, asa ca nu am avut timp sa ma gandesc la faptul ca premiul intarzia un pic, dar Iuliana a fost tare draguta, s-a ingrijorat ea si in locul meu;))
Acum, ca povestea are un happy ending, pot spune ca abia ieri am inceput sa folosesc premiul, aka un fdt Vichy, dar ce am observat eu pana acum este ca arata tare bine pe fata, desi culoarea mi se pare un picut mai inchisa decat culoarea tenului meu, dar asta nu m-a oprit in a-l folosi. Tenul arata wow dupa ce l-am folosit, plus ca are un miros superb:D Cam atat dupa prima folosire.
Am fost norocoasa si la giveawayul organizat de Andreea, si acum sunt fericita posesoare a unui colier superb:
Da, am fost o norocoasa lately, si am avut un Mos bogat:D

Deasemenea, vreau sa va arat doua postari pe care le-am citit azi, si care merita sa fie citite:
Prima este postarea Andreei, si anume despre cum puteti ajuta niste copii nevoiasi:) Este o postare tare frumoasa, merita sa fie citita si distribuita.
A doua postare este mai funny, si anume cea de pe blogul Flormar Brasov , unde puteti urmari o "doamna" in toata splendoarea ei cum fura doua oje de la standul din Real, BV. Normal ca pt cei de la Flormar nu este tocmai funny, dar mie mi se pare chiar amuzanta doamna, are ceva experienta:))

In rest cam atat. aveam atatea ganduri, si acum nu-mi mai amintesc ce tot vroiam sa scriu azi..deh, asta e, poate imi aduc aminte mai tarziu:D

Have a nice daaay!

Giveaway de mos

5 dec. 2011

Giveaway de Mos la Delia!!:D
Inscrierile se fac AICI pana pe 22 decembrie!


Today I saw..

2 dec. 2011

..something ..something from my wishlist..
The 120 color palette! I know it's not a big deal, and I've decided not to buy it, 'cause it's just not worth it, I can't even use it properly..
But still, today I walked into a local store in my cute lil' town and saw theese 100/120/88 color palettes, and put my fingers on/in them, and it was awesome:))
I never saw these palettes before, just from pictures on the internet, and the price was pretty low too, I think I have to save some money:D
I also bought some Essence nail polishes, and they're so awesome, finally they arrived!!:D
Oh so much to say, so little time:))


One huge Xmas giveaway

1 dec. 2011

Adina has a HUGE giveaway, you should enter!!
I mean huuuge, like with 60+ prizes!
 Click here to join , there you can also find out what the prizes are:):>
Pretty tempting, huh?
DEADLINE: 9. ianuarie 2012.