4 oct. 2011

First of all, I am really sorry I couldn't make it on the real deadline, but I had exams, than I moved to a new place..and here I had no internet. Yet. So it was a bit messy, but now I made the list with the total of stroong 20 participants,haha:)), but with 43 chances.

So here are the lists, if you see anything wrong, just send me a comment by tomorrow(05.10.2011) @ 13:00. (ROmanian time)

I must say there were some Facebook links that I could not check because of the privacy of the profile, oooor there were a few blogs that were made mostly for participating at giveaways.
Well, the first thing:  I won't disqualify anyone, because it's my first giveaway, and there were just 20 participants, so it's not such a big giveaway, or prize, but you should be more careful later on. [so should I]
The second thing: giveaway blogs. I forgot to tell, so I won't disqualify either, but I'll make sure next time this won't happen, because i think it's not fair to the other girls.

I have to admit that this was not a very good organising, but it's my first time, so you have to forgive me, and we learn from each mistake, aren't we?:)

That's all, wish you luck, and tomorrow around 14:00 i'll announce the 1 or 2 winners.

You can still sign up until tomorrow @13:00! (ROmanian time)

P.S.: Sorry for the bad English, I'm trying my best!

Sper ca a inteles toata lumea, pe scurt:

 Va rog sa verificati lista, sansele, iar daca vedeti ceva in neregula, comentati sub postare. Acest lucru il puteti face pana maine(05.10.2011.) la ora 13:00, deasemenea va mai puteti inscrie pana maine la aceeasi ora.
Pe la 14:00 am sa anunt castigatoarea/castigatoarele, depinde pt ca suntem fix la limita, si cu cineva cu probleme, deci vedem cum vom ramane, 19 ori 20 sau mai multe.

Bafta, si scuzati intarzierea:)

P.P.S: @ REGINA: csak nálad találtam rendellenességet, ha gondolod még holnap 13:00 (ROmániai idő szerint) óráig még küldheted a facebook, illetve blogos linked a kedvenc termékedről. Amennyiben ezt nem teszed meg, törölnöm kell a neved a listáról.

(click on the image to make it bigger)

5 comentarii:

Nóra spunea...

hú,már nagyon kíváncsi vagyok *-*

morphine spunea...

én is:D

sok sikert!

DOPE Beauty spunea...


Nóra spunea...

és eljött a nagy nap.. :D

Mihaela Pojogu spunea...

vad ca eu nu am fost trecuta pe lista pt extragere..

miha.ela spunea...
Answer: Un deosebit album gen carte
Account: mihaela.mihordea at gmail dot com
FB: mihaela pojogu
e-mail: mihaela.mihordea at gmail dot com
GFC: miha.ela
4 octombrie 2011, 14:47
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