Top 10..cartoons!

25 nov. 2011

Oh, I still love cartoons, I could watch them all day, especially which are from the 90's:D
This time it will be a bit special, cause I won't make a top, just put sme pictures/comments about my fave cartoons [series/movies]. I can't do a top, cause all of them are so special, they're a part of my childhood:)

From Cartoon Network [the old one]

Powerpuff Girls

Dexter's Laboratory
(I used to watch Dexter all the time, and it was like Christmas, when they announced a saturday marathon:D)

The Flinstones
(I watched this a lot too, I loved the beginning and ending, it was funny. I recently found out that they were actually talking in rhymes..)

Scooby Doo
(Scoob was and will be my favourite dog from all the cartoons! I love its looks, and voice, and his courage:))

Cow and Chicken
(I waited for ages to show their parents faces!)

Looney Tunes-all cartoons

Tom & Jerry
(No matter what, I can watch this over and over, it's the best best best:)

From Nickelodeon

(Aww, this was my fave for a loong time..:)

Real Monsters

Doug Funnie
(I started my journal because of Doug)

As Told By Ginger

Hey, Arnold!

From Minimax

Simsala Grimm
(Grimm tales with a bit of switch:)

Rollie, Pollie, Ollie



(I just started to watch this .... again)

The Magic School Bus
(All kids should see this!)

Il était une fois...
(And this! And not just kids..)

Les Miserables
(Pretty old, but pretty good)

From Fox Kids/Jetix

Kids from 402

Life with Louie


Family Guy
(I absolutely love Stewie!!)


....and I could continue 'til the end, cause there are so many good and great cartoons. I want my kids to watch these, not the crap that is now on the so-called Cartoon Network...
Sssooo tttthat's all folks!
[this was my favourite scene from the show:))]

What's YOUR favourite cartoon?

Top 10 actors

20 nov. 2011

..from TV series:)
Without any introduction..

10. Tony Shalhoub as Monk
[ Monk ]
He was so funny, and so different, I loved it!

9. Mike Vogel as Dean Lowrey
[ Pan Am ]
I also red some news about this show, that it could be cancelled, but I don't want to!
It's so great, and finally something modern but vintage,gosh I adore the 60's!
And Mike's fittin' in that show!

8. Simon Baker as Patrick Jane
[ The Mentalist ]
The way he solves cases is amazing, how he always knows who's the bad guy, before everyone else, is just wow!
And the Red John episodes are so welldone, I already miss them in this new season...

7. Neil Jackson as Sasha Belov
[ Make it, or break it ]
This character is great, and lovely. I almost cried when he left at the season finale:)

6. Kevin McKidd as Owen Hunt
[ Grey's Anatomy ]
He was awesome since the very first episode he appeared, and the evolution of his relationship with Christina was captivating(:

5. Patrick Dempsey as Derek Shepherd
[ Grey's Anatomy ]
He's correct and cute, and just as Owen, he needs some balls there, to handle Meredith.

4. Jesse Williams as Jackson Avery
[ Grey's Anatomy ]
He's an EYECANDY!!

3. Hugh Laurie as Gregory House
[ House M.D. ]
Isn't he awesome? I actually know a doc who's pretty like him, and I must say it's not that fun in real life..but it's great on screen.
Love his brains:))

2. Ian Somerhalder as Damon Salvatore
[ The Vampire Diaries ]
I looved him a lot better when he was the bad guy, but still he's ok..I don't like his hair in the show, but that's just a teeny-weeny detail:-j
And they make a hot couple with Nina!

1. Ed Westwick as Chuck Bass
Do I have to say a word?
His looks, his elegance, his charm..the way he talks,woohoo:))

So this was my top 10, now if you like TVD, you should watch this parody, it's funny, and very well done, I love the hillywoodshow parodies!

Top 10 ..!

19 nov. 2011

I decided to make some top tens cause I love to read them on other blogs, and I also discovered  too  lot of movies/songs/etc. from there, so I hope you'll enjoy:)
Top 10:
-actresses (tv series/movies)
-actors(tv series/movies)
-tv series
-tv shows

Let's begin with the ladies:D
Top 10 actresses from Tv series

First of all, I saw this tag on lot of blogs lately, and I saw lot of similarities with my preferences:D But..I didn't know what criterias were the girls I'll choose my faves because I like their character, or personality, or looks:)

10. Margot Robbie as Laura Cameron
[ Pan Am ]
I like her personality and style in Pan fact, I'm in love with that show!

9. Kim Cattrall as Samantha Jones
[ Sex & The City ]
It's one of my fave shows ever, it's so funny, I really laughed a LOT, especially with all the crazy things Samantha did.

8. Julianna Margulies as Alicia Florrick
[ The Good Wife ]
I saw this shows' commercial on TV, but never actually watched it, since a few weeks ago, when I started watching it, and I must say: I like it! When I was a kiddo, I saw her in ER, and I always thought she was so beautiful..and even if this was a few years back, Julianna is still a beauty, and her pokerface in this series is killing me:D

7. Rachel Bilson as Zoe Hart
[ Hart of Dixie ]
It's a new show just as Pan Am, and I love Rachels' style, personality, everyhing in this show:) Especially that town: is so 50's..aww:)

6. Leighton Meester as Blair Waldorf
[ Gossip Girl ]
Sometimes I feel she's me on the screen.

5. Chandra Wilson as Miranda Bailey
[ Grey's Anatomy ]
She's awesome! The way she talks, the way she acts, she's hilarious, she is a real woman:D

5. Ellen Pompeo as Meredith Grey
[ Grey's Anatomy ]
I don't think I have to talk a lot about her:) When I first saw this series I thoguht: "Oh great! That's an awesome show, how could I missed it?" And then: "Oh God, her voice is just so annoying!!" But now I soo love her voice, they way she handles things and the facts she's saying in the beginning and ending of every episode, they're so true.

4. Nina Dobrev as Elena Gilbert / Katerina Petrova
[ The Vampire Diaries ]
I red a lot of things about the actors but I never saw a single episode..cause it was soo popular. And when something,a movie, or a tv show it's this popular, it makes me think it's just not that good. I know, I know, I think somehow backwards.. But this summer I was curious, so I started watching TVD, and it was awesome, of course.
I mainly watched it for the cute vampire [can you guess which  one?:D], but now things are so messed up, I'm curious what's next:)
As for Nina, she's gorgeous, and I absolutely love her sexy voice and especially like her when she's Katerina(love this name too:)

2. Kaya Scodelario as Effy Stonem
If you haven't seen this show already, you should. It's true that it's more a teen show, but I found it so great. Oh, and the british version, of course; it's so great to see something different, not american.
Kaya was my favourite from all 5 seasons, she was so mysterious, and beautiful and  awesome!

1. Sandra Oh as Christina Yang
I can't really say she's number 1, cause from number 5, they are all on the same place in my heart:)
But Sandra as the fearless and no-feelings-Christina is just so amazing, I adore her!
I mean she seems so strong, but she's just a broken woman too, she's great and special!
And yet again: that pokerface xD

So these are my fave actresses/characters right now, but there are a lot more, of course,and to end this top, here's something I learnt from Dr. Yang:
(it's working!)

P.S: sorry for the bad English **

Unde dai şi unde crapă

17 nov. 2011

Am citit zilele astea anunţurile Antoniei despre o căţeluşă pierdută ce-şi caută stăpânul..buuun, foarte frumos din partea ei, btw.
Azi ajungând acasă, am intrat pe Fb şi am citit câteva comentarii de pe Fb Antoniei, unde ea posta fiecare pas din toată povestea căţeluşei..
Am rămas mască..I mean..telenovelă pe acolo.., mai apare câte una întrebând-o pe A. *De ce caută stăpânii câinelui, de ce, vrea să se îmbogăţescă??* :)) Hai mă..serioos?
Şi apar oameni de tot felul spunând că este căţelul lor..damn, numai în ţara noastră găseşti oameni care să facă un lucru bun, apoi ei să fie judecaţi, acuzaţi, whatever..
E ridicol mă mir că nimic nu merge în ţara asta:))


Giveaway..unde? La ADELA!

16 nov. 2011

Si este O.P.I.!!!
Si cand vad asa ceva incep sa-mi fac sperante, sa aleg nuante, offoff, de-as avea noroc..again:D
Inscrierile se fac AICI pana vine Mosu' 10 decembrie:)


Giveaway by Iulia

14 nov. 2011

Pt a participa click aici!
Let the picture speak for it!

Giveaway Adela

Once again Adela is makin` a super-giveaway :D
Click aici pt a participa!
Deadline: 15. 11.2011

Essence Circus Circus edition

6 nov. 2011

Întotdeauna mi-a plăcut aspectul produselor essence, pur şi simplu cute and fabulous! :D (despre calitatea lor nu prea pot să mă pronunţ, still waiting that miracle..)
Din această colecţie aş încerca ojele şi parfumul:) (lacurile arată chiar bestial)
Această ediţie va fii în magazine între decembrie-ianuarie:)

(click for a BIGger size)

Ieftin = calitate inferioară?

5 nov. 2011

Asta ne arată experienţa, asta vedem din reclame, că tot ceea ce este ieftin este şi de calitate proastă...sau nu?
Experienţa mea arată că NU, dar dacă-ţi urcă faima în cap rişti să-ţi pierzi clienţii.. .

Nu demult am câştigat două giveawayuri thboxes, şi mi-am ales o bentiţă, apoi un colier. Eram fericită, pt că din pozele de pe site, şi toate postările fetelor de pe bloguri, am zis că abia aştept să am bijuterii de la ei...şi paypal! :)

Am primit coletele, foarte bine împachetate, aşa că tind să cred, că problema a fost una de fabricaţie.
La bentiţă nu am observat nimic în neregulă, doar că nu era cum mi-am imaginat-o, asta e! Ieri însă, am făcut câteva poze la bijuteriile pe care le am la mine, şi când am ridicat-o, a zburat o pietricică, deşi am fost atentă la chestia asta..nevermind, nu se vede!

Lănţişorul este unul ales la nevoie, pt că atunci când am câştigat acest giveaway, abia mai era ceva pe site..Mi-am pus la favorite o grămadă de linkuri, dar din păcate nimic nu mai era, doar acest colier, care a venit tot cu un defect: s-a dezlipit piatra din centrul florilor, de fapt doar la una, dar cred că asta va fii soarta şi celeilalte flori. Plus, că una din flori este montată invers.
(CLICK PT A MĂRI- se vede cum atîrna un fir de la lipiciul folosit..rezultatul este clar)

Am mai comandat nişte bijuterii de pe un blog, erau tot marca thboxes, şi arătau perfect..asta până când o prietenă mi-a atras atenţia la una din pietricelele de pe cercei: este lipită în cel mai imposibil hal, chiar nu-mi dau seama cum au reuşit această performanţă.:)).
(CLICK PT A MĂRI- se vede că aceste pietre au un vîrf, care te ajută la montat-lipit, se pare că ei n-au obsrvat acest lucru:))

Bineînţeles că toate astea nu-s un capăt de drum, nu mă vor opri din intenţia mea de a comanda cât de curând cadouri de crăciun prietenelor (asta dacă vor fi produse pe site...), dar! de ce toate firmele mai micuţe sau mai necunoscute, devin mai îngâmfate după o campanie bine-gândită pe bloguri?
Mă refer la faptul că cei de la thoxes au devenit mai leneşi, flormar şi-a mărit preţurile, după reclama făcută de bloggeriţe, etc.
Mai merită să se facă reclamă ca apoi să devină mai neinteresaţi?
Ce părere aveţi? Voi aţi observat acest fenomen, sau sunt eu paranoică, după toate păţaniile din ultimele săptămâni? :-??

P.S.: mi-am schimbat templateul blogului, şi bineînţeles că nu se putea fără să pierd ceva, eventual un blogroll:))
Whatever, încă nu m-am împăcat cu toate noutăţile, probabil îl voi schimba iarăşi..:)) 